
\”Life is both a major and a minor key, just open up the chord…\”

More miscellanea March 28, 2007

Filed under: just... me,just... work,just.... bitching — crackpottery @ 6:52 am

So, I heard back from the friend I mentioned. We’ve exchanged a couple of emails, and have, as she put it, “the gory stuff” out of the way for the time being. I’m sure that if we continue talking, eventually we’ll have to discuss it more, but in the meantime, we’ve got 11 years of catching up to do.

Which reminds me. Also got an email out of the blue from another old friend. I haven’t written her back yet. Not sure if I’m going to. She and her (then) boyfriend (now husband) were our best friends, stood up for us in our wedding. They got married the year after us – we were supposed to be in their wedding, but they got really involved in their church and dropped us like hot potatoes because hubby had been divorced before. We’ve seen them once since then, shortly after Princess was born (she’s going to be 10 this year), though we do get the very occasional email from her. Neither of them bothered to acknowledge fil’s passing away, either, and they’d spent countless hours at his house over the years. I guess, needless to say, even after all this time, we both still have hurt feelings over it, and are afraid to put ourselves out there even a little bit for them.

In other news, dickhead is still not licensed, so he can’t officially take over on Sunday, though he already informed my boss that she couldn’t talk to certain people, because she worked for HIM, not them. Jackass. I suppose I really should try to keep a better attitude – I need to hang on to that job as long as I can, but he makes it very difficult. We all know that, no matter what he says, he’s getting rid of the lot of us as soon as he can (as soon as he has the license in his hot little hand), so between that and the fact that no one can stand him, none of our employees has a good attitude when it comes to him. We all just keep plugging away, though, because no matter what else goes on, the residents need to be cared for.

Oh – and I guess my yard is going to be torn up within the next week or so. Landlord let us know that we’re getting tied into the township sewer system (I’m not sure if that means we’ll be giong on the city water too, but probably. Why one and not the other?). We’re currently on a septic system, with a well. As long as they put the yard to rights, it isn’t a big deal. What bothers me most is that, joy of joys, just what we need – we’re going to have another bill to try to pay.

I had a couple more odds and ends to mention, but haven’t the time now. Perhaps I’ll be back later.


In my “Spare Time” March 22, 2007

Filed under: just... books,just... me — crackpottery @ 10:11 pm

I’ve been spending a little less time online the last couple of weeks, and have been doing a little reading instead. I’ve been averaging a book every two days. I like a lot of different kinds of books, and tend to go in fits and spurts with the types of things I read – say, I’ll go on a fantasy binge, or only want to read thrillers or romances or what have you. This time, I’ve been “switching it up” a bit, balancing the scary stuff with the romantic fluff.

I read Jeff Abbott’s PAN!C. Dean Koontz, The Husband. Lost, by Joy Fielding. I will look for more of her books for sure. Spellbound in Seattle, a wild, hilarious modern magic romance by a woman named Garthia Anderson. The Big Burn by Terry Watkins – supposedly a romance, but was really more of a smoke jumping espionage thrill ride written by a man who knows from whence he speaks. I also read the first in a series of young adult books, Stravaganza – City of Masks, by Mary Hoffman. Excellent. Will be seeking out the remaining titles in the series. Devoured MEG, by Steve Alten – very much looking forward to the movie, which is supposed to be coming out sometime next year, barring any further setbacks, moved on to a trilogy by Nora Roberts. The first was called Key of Light. I’m in the midst of reading book two, Key of Knowledge. I’ve avoided reading her books in the past – I’m one of those people who sometimes thinks if something is popular, it must not be good. (oftentimes, yes, I’m merely cutting my nose off to spite my face in those situations. 😉 )

I’ve been very taken by this series. Um, I suppose it doesn’t hurt that it revolves around a Celtic myth, though I’m not sure if it is a real one or not (gonna do a little research. Never hurts, and I might learn something new!). Anyway, turns out Ms. Roberts has a real way with words – some of her descriptions are so beautiful. *sigh* As often happens when I do any amount of reading, I start getting the itch to do some of my own writing – but then I get hit by that big damn (writer’s envy) bus and never get anywhere, because I know I can’t write as well as what I’m reading!

And on that note, which strangely enough, managed to come along at the same time the last song on the cd I’m listening to ended, I think I’m going to go… read.


Feeling moody March 21, 2007

Filed under: just... me,just... work — crackpottery @ 10:24 pm

Well, I was, anyway. Thanks to my friend, my dear, ever-sexy C for talking me down, from moody to sassy, baby, yeah! We definitely need that girls’ night/sleepover, even if it’s only over YIM!

Got lots swirling through my mind today. Boss told me this afternoon that I need to start looking for work elsewhere. I’m going to call my aunt tomorrow, see if I can get a job at her day care for the time being, provided she’d be willing to consider hiring me, and provided we could work out the particulars. I need to be able to get Princess to and from school through the end of the school year. I’m very scared about the whole situation. Told my boss I’d rather work for her – but she doesn’t know what she’s going to do, either, so she wants to make sure I’m working in case nothing else works out for her. Everything is up in the air with everything. The only thing we know for sure is that the new owner at work is a dick, who cares not one whit about the residents, other than for what money he can soak them for.

On a different topic, my brother ran into an old friend of mine over the weekend. One of my best friends from high school, and for some years beyond, until she chose sides in a messy break up I went through – and it wasn’t my side she took. We haven’t spoken in years. She gave my brother her business card, which had her email addy on it. I sent her an email with condolences on her mother’s recent passing, she wrote a brief thank you email back. Both of our emails were pretty stilted sounding. I wrote her back, asking after her other family, but haven’t heard back from her yet. I may not, for all that. Hubby says it isn’t likely that we’ll be able to rekindle our friendship. I’m not sure that’s even what I would like to have happen – but it’s all moot, anyway, I suppose. In general, I have no desire to interact with people from my past. I’ve developed some reclusive tendencies over the years, to say the very least. There are exceptions – another old friend found me some time ago, and I enjoy communicating with him. The bonus there was that I gained another friend in his wife. Doesn’t get much better than that, does it? 🙂 (So you know, as you read – I’m glad to have you in my life, even though I don’t answer emails very quickly!!)

Which reminds me – one of our friends from college, someone we love and miss greatly, is going to be in town in June. We’re making plans to meet up with him. Can’t wait! I don’t think we’ll be able to make the trip to Ron’s for ice cream, though. I’ll just dream about that double scoop in a waffle cone instead. 😉


Strange dream March 19, 2007

Filed under: just... me — crackpottery @ 6:56 am

Want to get it down quick before I forget more of it than I already have!

I dreamt that the girls and I went for a walk in our neighborhood, and ended up knocking on the door of this large, beautiful house (why, I don’t remember). A woman answered, and invited us in for a snack. Lo and behold, it was the home of Garth Brooks. Who looked more like Stephen King. And liked to dress up like Abraham Lincoln. Without the hat.

Anyway… they had a deck off the back of the house, overlooking a huge lake – couldn’t see the other side of it. We were all sitting on a long porch swing, chatting, Mr. Brooks/King/Lincoln sitting next to me. He started telling me about how he was very confused these days, didn’t know what to do with himself. I told him that he was a performer. That’s what he’d been born to do, that even if he didn’t want to tour, he should do a gig here and there. (the swing actually went out over the narrow beach – Peanut fell off once, landed on the sand, I brought her back up these steep steps, and was afraid to let her back on the swing – didn’t want her to fall in the water).

We stayed and chatted a while longer, then the girls went to sleep, and his wife said we might as well stay over, but since we lived in the neighborhood, I figured we should just go home, so I waited until the Garth and his wife were both asleep, then got the girls up. I yelled at Princess at one point, softly, but still telling her off. I looked up, and Garth/Steven/Abe was sitting at his desk watching me, so of course I was embarassed that he’d caught me yelling. Before we went out the door, he wanted to know which house we lived in. I gave him the address, and he thanked me, said he’d be by to visit soon.

Then, I woke up.


Tuesday, Tuesday… March 13, 2007

Filed under: just... family,just... me,just... work — crackpottery @ 6:43 am

Otherwise known as “movie release day!” 😀 I *will* be stopping at Target before I come home.

Everyone is basically back to good health here *knock wood*. We’re all on the worn out side – being sick for so long takes a toll (or in my case, being the one up at all hours of the night does the same). But, we can deal with worn out! And now, maybe, I can start getting caught up on my housework. That’d be nice.

First day back at work in a week yesterday was… interesting. New new owner was there for a while. The whole atmosphere changes when they’re around – everyone gets tense and ill-at-ease. No one can do their work properly – can’t take phone calls normally or anything. Aside from the wages lost, kinda makes me glad I wasn’t there most of last week, because I understand he was there every day I was gone. A good indication of the stress level and uncertainty everyone is feeling – at one point after N.N.O. left, we were in boss’s office talking. The phone rang, and it was N.N.O. Boss panicked, started looking around, said, “you don’t think he can hear us, do you? Do you think he could have put bugs in here?” For a moment, she was dead serious. (and ya know, I’ve purposely been leaving out most of what has been going on when I write here, just in case! Sheesh. Still, better safe than sorry.)

Boss has an important meeting today. *fingers crossed* it goes well.

Anyway, that’s about it for now.


New Developments March 9, 2007

Filed under: just... me,just... work — crackpottery @ 1:46 pm

There have been things going on at work which I’m not going to go into detail about, but which would result in all of us losing our jobs by the end of this month. Something came up today which would solve many of the problems we’re facing. If you would be so kind, we could really use some good thoughts and/or prayers.

Things have been looking bleak for so long that I’m afraid to get my hopes up too much… but I’m also afraid not to have some hope, if that makes any sense.

Edited to add – on a completely different topic, Peanut is now running a fever. I’m hoping it is teething, and not that she’s caught what Princess has been suffering with all week!


Miscellaney March 8, 2007

Filed under: just... stuff — crackpottery @ 9:21 am

We’re home again today, the third day in a row. Princess’s temp was 101.1 this morning. *sigh* Poor thing.

Unfortunately, we’re all starting to get on the cranky side from being cooped up together so much. Nothing we can do but ride it out. And I’m trying really hard not to stress too much about all of the days of work I’m missing.

There are lots of crazy things going on, with family and work, very stressful, but I’ve decided I’m not going to post about them here. If you know me, you know where to find me, and I’ll be happy to share.

Idol last night was much better overall than the previous night. I’m pretty sure that we will all be disappointed tonight, to see a couple of better singers get the boot in favor of two who really, really need to go – but I just keep telling myself they won’t last long in the top 12, no matter how cute they are or how much sympathy they garner.

It’s a John Denver morning here. Hubby brought me home the 3 disc “Legendary John Denver” collection to listen to. It’s a nice, easy way to begin the day, and I’m not ashamed in the least to admit that I’ve always liked him.

We watched Tony Bennett’s Duets program on PBS last night. I got to see my favorite Irishman again. He took my breath away, as usual.

Oh, yes… and only 5 days until I can bring Casino Royale (and the lovely, lovely Mr. Craig) home on DVD. Whoot!


My poor Princess March 7, 2007

Filed under: just... family — crackpottery @ 7:46 am

She’s sick again. This time the doctor ruled strep throat out right away, though doc had actually been hoping that was what it was, because then we would have had a solid diagnosis. Princess has all the sypmtoms of an upper respiratory flu (something I’d never heard of – when I think “flu” I think “throwing up/diarrhea”), but had her flu shot, which is why the doc was hesitant to diagnose it as flu. Doc prescribed an antibotic, on the off chance that it was a bacterial infection of some sort, but said that if it was that, the medicine would make a difference in her temperature levels very quickly. If it didn’t, and Princess’s temp was still high today, it was likely the flu, and could last 5 days.

Her temp was 103.3 when I took her to the doc. This morning, it was down – to all of 102.4, which is still much too high. Poor thing just feels miserable, but she’s trying to keep a good attitude. (Frankly, she’s most worried now about still being sick on Saturday and having to miss a birthday party she’s been invited to.)

There is a lot of other stuff still going on, but I just can’t let it all get me down. I have to take care of Princess, and I need to try to make sure none of the rest of us catch what she’s got.


whew March 1, 2007

Filed under: just... stuff — crackpottery @ 9:49 pm

it was a long day today, and was “wild and woolly,” to quote my dear hubby. Lots of goings on. I’m too tired to string my thoughts together coherently enough, so I’ll have to try tomorrow. I just wanted to stop in, since it has been a while.